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HTTP XML - need help


Level 1
I am new to Flex and ActionScript. Need help:

Modified the code found at:


<mx:Application xmlns:mx="



import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;

import mx.controls.Alert;


private var shippingInfo:XMLList;

public function handleXML(event:ResultEvent):void


shippingInfo = event.result.report.table.tr as XMLList;





public function handleFault(event:FaultEvent):void


Alert.show(event.fault.faultString, "Error");




<mx:HTTPService result="handleXML(event);"
fault="handleFault(event);" id="xmlRPC" resultFormat="e4x"

method="POST" url="

<mx:request xmlns="">





<mx:Label x="56" y="32" text="Zip Code" width="55"
height="18" textAlign="right" fontWeight="bold"/>

<mx:Label x="56" y="58" text="Weight" width="55"
height="18" textAlign="right" fontWeight="bold"/>

<mx:TextInput x="130" y="32" id="zipcode" width="160"

<mx:TextInput x="130" y="58" id="weight_lb" width="160"

<mx:Button x="130" y="95" label="Get Shipping Options"
click="xmlRPC.send();" width="160" height="22"/>



x="80" y="141" width="562" height="292"
id="shippingOptionsList" editable="false" enabled="true">


<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Country" dataField="td"

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Car" dataField="td2" />





The above code works fine for the following XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<fxf version="1.0" data="hold">

<report records="5" lines="5" columns="2" rows="10">

<target format="" version="" type=""


<tr linetype="data" linenum="1">

<td colnum="c0">ENGLAND</td>

<td2 colnum="c1">JAGUAR</td2>


<tr linetype="data" linenum="2">

<td colnum="c0">ENGLAND</td>

<td2 colnum="c1">JENSEN</td2>


<tr linetype="data" linenum="3">

<td colnum="c0">ENGLAND</td>

<td2 colnum="c1">TRIUMPH</td2>


<tr linetype="data" linenum="4">

<td colnum="c0">JAPAN</td>

<td2 colnum="c1">DATSUN</td2>


<tr linetype="data" linenum="5">

<td colnum="c0">JAPAN</td>

<td2 colnum="c1">TOYOTA</td2>





Now, my actual XML in Production world would look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<fxf version="1.0" data="hold">

<report records="5" lines="5" columns="2" rows="10">

<target format="" version="" type=""


<tr linetype="data" linenum="1">

<td colnum="c0">ENGLAND</td>

<td colnum="c1">JAGUAR</td>


<tr linetype="data" linenum="2">

<td colnum="c0">ENGLAND</td>

<td colnum="c1">JENSEN</td>


<tr linetype="data" linenum="3">

<td colnum="c0">ENGLAND</td>

<td colnum="c1">TRIUMPH</td>


<tr linetype="data" linenum="4">

<td colnum="c0">JAPAN</td>

<td colnum="c1">DATSUN</td>


<tr linetype="data" linenum="5">

<td colnum="c0">JAPAN</td>

<td colnum="c1">TOYOTA</td>





(Notice in this XML, under each <TR> you would find two

Use this XML file, I am having problems. I need to specify
which TD goes into each column. Even if I use:


it is not helping me.

Please help me. Thanks in advance.

- RT
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