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How to imbed image from XPAAJ into PDF livecycle form


Former Community Member
We are having a very hard time trying to add an image to a dynamic XML PDF created in livecycle Designer 8. Basically we have a letter document and we are importing data into the PDF as XML. We need to insert an image of the users signature to appear on the form. We have saved the image on a file share and I created an image field in the PDF. How do we get the image into the PDF?? The rest of the XML data is properly inserting into the PDF but the image will not. We are using the XPAAJ API. ANy help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.
1 Reply


Former Community Member
I'm hoping you have figured this out by now, but in case others are having the same problem there is a section in the livecycle designer 8 regarding how to do this. You can search for "XML schema binding" and an example schema on how to include the image data in the XML you are passing to the PDF (I've been using the XPAAJ library as well) is shown.

Essentially you just need to base64 encode the image data and include a contentType (image/jpg, image/png, etc.) and a transferEncoding (base64) attribute on the element containing the data.