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How to get a group of radio button name?


Former Community Member
I have read the LiveCycle Designer Scriping Reference and test a example in it.

for (var nPageCount = 0; nPageCount < xfa.host.numPages; nPageCount++) {

var oFields = xfa.layout.pageContent(nPageCount, "field");

var nNodesLength = oFields.length;

// Set the field property.

for (var nNodeCount = 0; nNodeCount < nNodesLength; nNodeCount++) {

oFields.item(nNodeCount).access = "readOnly";

var nodeName = oFields,item(nNodeCount).name;



I found that it can not get the name of the group of radio button(the group is exclGroup , i think) by this method, I also tried "pageContent(nPageCount, "pageArea")" and other, may be i use the wrong method to get the group name.

I want to find the group object and compare the group name with predefined string so that to decide whether to change the group object value.

Anyone can help me?


2 Replies


Former Community Member
For each field that you get back you need to check and see what type of object it is. If you check the classname it will indicate what type it is. Here is some code I use to check if it is a radiobutton or not.

//Check for exclusion groups - Radio Buttons

else if(currentElement.className == "exclGroup"){

for(k=0; k< currentElement.nodes.length;k++){

if(currentElement.nodes.item(k).className == "field"){

//set the color for the radio buttons individually

currentElement.nodes.item(k).ui.checkButton.border.fill.color.value = defaultcolor;
