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How to call preview release SOAP API from non-java environment (e.g. .NET)


Former Community Member
I've finally managed to get the Forms Server ES preview release installed and configured together with JBoss.

Now I want to try and call the SOAP API from a .NET project.

The only article I have on this is this:

Adobe - Developer Center : Developing a .NET web application using Adobe LiveCycle Forms

The articel looks useful (potentially), but the ES Preview Release doesn't offer any DLL client libraries such as "ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll" mentioned in the article.

So, as an alternative I've tried generating a .NET class library from the WSDL definition at "http://localhost:8080/soap/services/FormsService?wsdl". This seems to generate a class library ok. But now I'm trying to understand what all the arguments are for the renderForm() and renderPDFForm() methods... My method calls seem to be getting SoapExceptions back so it feels as if I'm nearly there if only I could account for all the arguments correctly.

Is there a comprehensive description of these anywhere? All I've found so far is the
java class library documentation for the FormServiceClient class methods, which isn't quite the same as what I'm trying to use.
25 Replies


Former Community Member
WSDL.EXE or adding a Web Reference in the ID (which of course uses WSDL.EXE under the hood).

Upon further investigation, it seems the problem is exclusive to CLR 1.1. .NET 2.0 seems to generate proper classes. Of course, the classes generated for C# 3.0 won't compile on the v1.1 CLR.

Have these services been tested under 1.1 at all?


Former Community Member
Hi, Scott.

I've tried your .Net example, as well as writing my own applications, but I am getting this error:

| [com.adobe.idp.um.webservices.WSSecurityHandler] errorCode:12803 errorCodeHEX:0x3203 message:WSSecurityHandler: cannot convert into document. Exception Message -- ; nested exception is: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Character reference "" is an invalid XML character.

I've tried multiple form-templates, even those who ships with LCES, but I still get the same error. I am suspecting this to be a config-issue.

Grateful for all help.



Former Community Member
Hi Scott,

Please help me out.

I'm trying to render a PDF making use of same above piece of code you provided. But I couldn't find the .JAR file that contains the below classes :








Please help me out, which JAR file consists the above classes.

Thanks in advance.




Former Community Member
Im writing a java file so i need to call a form over a button to perform some action.could you help me please


Former Community Member
To get a JAR file that contains these packages:








requires that you create your own Java proxy files using AXIS. See this URL:

Creating Java proxy classes using Apache Axis that uses encoding

at: http://livedocs.adobe.com/livecycle/8.2/programLC/programmer/help/000281.html