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How To Add Serial Number Dynamically


Former Community Member
Dear all,

In a dynamic form I require to add cosecutive serial no to the dynamically generated fields.How can I do it?If any body can please help me.

Thanking you

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6 Replies


Former Community Member
Hi Rakesh,

Can you please help me in creating a dynamic form in Adobe 7.0

We created few Static forms it went thru well, but couldnt really

get with a dynamic form.

Thanks in Advance.


Former Community Member
I too need to be able to add a sequence number to each new row that is added to a dynamic form. The fields are being added / deleted as they should be but my JavaScript knowledge is not up to the level where I am able to address individual fields in each new row.

I've tried script along the lines of:

_detail[0].Item_Sequence.rawValue = 1;

_detail[1].Item_Sequence.rawValue = 2;

Where "detail" is the subform that contains the 'dynamic' rows

"Item_Sequence" is a numeric field in each row.

Please help to put an old IBM mainframe developer out of his misery and get to grips with this wonderful world of new fangled Adobe object-oriented technology.


Former Community Member
Here is an example of create a sequence number to each new row.

It should be the first column (highlighted in yellow).


Former Community Member
Many thanks Jimmy - that works a treat and has saved me many more hours of tearing my hair out. Now I can see that I was obviously barking up the wrong tree with my original approach - John.


Former Community Member
Dear Jimmy,

Is there a way to take a Serial Number entered into a form field (that is unique to each form and piece of equipment) and automatically put it in the email subject line?

We need to do this to track registrations for equipment with serial numbers. It we could add the serial number to the email subject line rather than opening the file with the data it would be more useful to tracking new registrations. Also, using an existing serial number would be better for us, unlike Arderns situation.

Thanks for allowing me your help a third time.

Victoria HOlt


Former Community Member
There was an earlier post that asked for help similar to this. It was called "Populate an email subject line and body using a submit button." (
jimmypham, "Populate an email subject line and body using a submit button." #9, 31 Aug 2005 4:32 pm) This might answer your question.