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Help needed with building Flex App without FlexBuilder


Level 1
Hi Guys,

I was building my application on Struts framework with JSPs
as the front end. I just got a new requirement to try and build my
application's GUI with Flex (completely replacing JSPs). I cannot
use FlexBuilder as my company won't buy it. I've been trying to dig
through all articles and documentation to find out how to write
MXML files and compile them without a FlexBuilder. I have learnt
that I can write MXML files using plain notepad, but I am totally
lost when it comes to understanding how to compile my MXML files
with FlexBuilder. I know about the ant compiler and web compiler
but How do I use them? I want to use the web compiler but how can I
configure the Web Compiler to compile my MXML files when I run my
app? Can someone kindly help me out.

Thank You,

1 Reply


Former Community Member
You can use mxmlc to compile your mxml files into swfs.
Google for mxmlc and there should be plenty information.