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Have a window pop up after email submit button is clicked


Former Community Member
Is there a way to have a pop up occur after a user has pressed the email submit button? I need to have a reminder pop up as the form is submitted. Thank you in advance!
1 Reply


Former Community Member
Have you gotten an answer to this question yet?

Here's what I did:

I created a regular button with the following script on the "click event"


Then created another button (EmailSubmitButton)with the Control Type set to Submit; Submit to url should be: mailto:youremailaddress@yourmailprovider.com; and Submit as PDF (if you want the actual form to come back to you) or XML (if you just want the data).

Then I added a script under the EmailSubmitButton's PreSave Event, which states:

app.alert("Your Form Has Been Submitted.");

I distribute my form using the Adobe 8 Wizard and it works great.

I would like to add a script that closes the form after submission. The script I found is


This script is placed on the next line following the above app.alert message under the EmailSubmitButton. It works fine if you send the form manually via email, but Adobe has an error message when I try to distribute it.

If anyone can help me with this issue. I would really appreciate it.

