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Getting the rawValue of a Drop-Down list on the "change" event


Former Community Member
I am having problems getting the rawValue of a Drop-Down list on the "change" event. It seems that you have to select the same item twice in a row to get the rawValue to be the value of the selected item.

::dropdownlist onChange event::


On the first time a value is selected you get 'null'. The second time the same value is selected, you get the selected value.

Does anyone have any thoughts on why this is happening? Also, I CANNOT use xfa.event.newText, I need to use the rawValue of the dropdownlist.

2 Replies


Former Community Member
The change event occurs before the rawValue is changed. If you NEED to use the rawValue you'll need to use a later event. Perhaps you could use exit so that it gets triggered when the field loses focus?


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Former Community Member
Great explanation... that figures why.
