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Error #1096 while doing HTTPRequest (AIR)


Former Community Member
I'm having troubles with a [RPC Fault faultString="Error
#1096: XML parser failure] error when I try to run a HTTPService.
The following is my code. It only happens when I do my http.send
function. Any ideas? I have another application that I used the
same code on and it worked fine.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="
layout="absolute" backgroundGradientAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]"
backgroundGradientColors="[#FFFFFF, #FFFFFF]" width="369"
height="234" title="SMF: Product and NewSku Deletition Tool">



import mx.controls.Alert;

import mx.events.CloseEvent;

private var params:Object = new Object();

public var reasons:String = new String();

public var ids:String = new String();

public function deleteProduct():void


var a:Alert = Alert.show("Are you sure you want to\ndelete
Product or NewSku: (" + prodID.text + ") ?","Confirmation",


public function confirmHandler(event:CloseEvent):void


if (event.detail == Alert.YES)


deleteProducts.method = "POST";

reasons = reason.text;

ids = prodID.text;

params = { "id": ids, "reason": reasons };



else if (event.detail == Alert.NO)






<mx:HTTPService url="

<mx:Label x="10" y="27" text="Product ID or NewSku:"/>

<mx:Label x="10" y="53" text="Reason:" />

<mx:TextInput id="reason" x="10" y="79" width="347"

<mx:Button x="130" y="160" label="Delete Record"

<mx:TextInput x="147" y="25" width="210" id="prodID"/>


Now, when ran, the application does not lose functionality
(i.e. it still deletes the record and shoots the email out) when it
shoots out the error.

Help Please!


2 Replies


Level 2

Is your ASP page returning XML ? If yes, please make sure
that XML is well formed.

Hope this helps.


Level 1
I too am getting the 1096 error with HTTPService calls, but
only with some computers and only some of the time! I can't find
any pattern. As far as I can tell, it may have something to do with
the speed of the internet connection and/or speed of the computer

Getting desperate trying to figure this out. Anyone else
encounter this?

- S