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Email Pattern


Former Community Member
Does anyone have a Email validation pattern?
8 Replies


Former Community Member
There is no pattern for a validating an email. You have to use script. There is a sample (Email Address) in the Custom Palette. The code is on the validate event.


Former Community Member
Can someone post a script for email validate?

Does LiveCycle allow regular expressions?


Former Community Member
The code is in the sample.


Former Community Member
I cant find the sample.. where would it be? Could you send it to me the_duxx@hotmail.com



Former Community Member
In Designer on the Object Palette under the Custom section there is an email address object.


Level 1

I found your post unhelpful because it implied that the sample validates all email addresses. In fact the sample script allows you validate email addresses for one specific domain -- "example.com". My users are spread across the country with access on various domains.

I was looking for a generic email validator.

I know this limits what I can validate but I would be happy it the script checked that the text box had no spaces, included an "@" sign and appeared to have at least two part domain name i.e. "somewhere.com", "somewhere.ca" or "somewhere.somewhere.com".

I basically want to check they haven't written their name in.


Former Community Member

// Validate the email address.


r = new RegExp(); // Create a new Regular Expression Object.


,"i");// Set the regular expression to look for

                                                                                          // an email address in general form.


// Test the rawValue of the current object to see

                                   // if it fits the general form of an email address.

Just put this in the validate event of the email address field. Notice the "{1,3}" just before the dollar sign near the end. That means the last characters after the period (ie .com, .net, etc.) can be 1 to 3 in length. You can change them to any length you want.



Former Community Member
Thank you it works perfectly..