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Dynamic Columns


Former Community Member
I'm trying to create a dynamic form that has columns (like a news article or brochure). I have tried placing a position content subform inside a flow content subform (top-to-bottom) inside another flow content subform (Western Text), but when I add instances of the position content subform, the fow content subform (top-to-bottom) just expands to the next page. Is there anyway to force it to go to the second column?


2 Replies


Former Community Member
You could try and create 2 Content Areas on your master page that resemble columns. Depending on how you have set up your subform structure you may need to change the settings on your Object palette so that the "After" is "Go To Next Content Area".




Former Community Member
Dynamic tables with data driven columns.


I am trying to make a template in LiveCycle Designer (XDP) with a dynamic table, and with dynamic columns.

I want the rows visibility to be driven by the xml input.

There is no user input.

So I want the columns to visible in the table only if one or more of the rows has a data cell with value in a spesific column.

If that is not possible, my alternative is so set a value in th XML file to hide a tables column. But how?

I have no problems of making dynamic tables, that is solved. I only want to hide unused columns.

Can anyone help?
