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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Custom Workspace UI


Level 3

I have followed all the steps in the "Customizing the LiveCycle Workspace ES User Interface" document and am stuck on page 22, point #8 for those of you that might have the document to hand.

I have created my custom ear file but cannot find the correct location to deploy it to. I am using WebSphere as the web app and have tried to deploy my ear file to the following location: \\MyServer\Adobe\LiveCycle8\deploy

The above directory contains "adobe-workspace-runtime.ear" so I thought it was the correct location to deploy my custom ear, but when I try navigate to my custom workspace http://server:port/myCustomWorkspace it's not being located.

Hope someone can help.


7 Replies


Level 2
For a Websphere installation, I believe you install using the Websphere, not copying to a folder like the JBoss application server. You may need to consult your version of the Websphere Application server Documentation.

The LiveCycle ES docs provides some information but it may not be exact as it is a custom EAR you deploying. Refer to http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/es/install_websphere.pdf and the section entitled "Deploying to WebSphere".

Hope that helps!


Level 3
Hey Flex thanks for that.

I followed the instructions in that document and have deployed my custom ear file.

In the final part of chapter 5 it says I must run LiveCycle Configuration Manager to configure and deploy LiveCycle ES. When I attempt to run ConfigurationManager.bat I'm getting an error.

The error is:

Java Virtual Machine Launcher - Could not find the main class. Program will exit.

The command that the batch file is running is:

...>"javaw" -Xms128m -Xmx512m com.adobe.livecycle.lcm.gui.LCMGUI

I followed the steps in "Configuring the JVM arguments and properties".

Any ideas what could be wrong ?


Level 4
Re: Custom EAR deployment

LCM will only deploy LC EARs. You can deploy your customer EARs using the application server's administration console.


Level 4
Re: LCM launch error

What JDK vendor and version are you using?

Rather then double clicking the bat file can you try running it from a dos prompt to get some addition output about the issue.


Level 3
Hi John,

Thanks for the reply.

The App Server is Websphere and the java version is as follows:

U:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\bin>java -version


java version "1.5.0"

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build pwi32dev-20060511 (SR2))

IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 Windows XP x86-32 j9vmwi3223-2006050

4 (JIT enabled)

J9VM - 20060501_06428_lHdSMR

JIT - 20060428_1800_r8

GC - 20060501_AA)

JCL - 20060511a


When I run the ConfigurationManager.bat from the command line I get the following:




GUI Launcher


JAVA_HOME is not set. Unexpected results may occur.

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.


ConfigurationManager Environment

JAVA: javaw

JAVA_OPTS: -Xms128m -Xmx512m

CLASSPATH: ..\lib\adobe-lcm.jar;..\lib\xalan.jar;..\lib\xercesImpl.jar;..\lib\co





















U:\Adobe\LiveCycle8\configurationManager\bin>"javaw" -Xms128m -Xmx512m com.ado





Level 3
Ok I have it now.

What I was doing wrong was tring to run ConfigurationManager.bat from a Mapped network drive.I went onto the server itself that its installed on and ran the same bat file and it worked.


I have already deployed and started my custom workspace ear file using the application server's administration console but when I try navigate to it, it's not displaying anything for me.

Basically what I did was took adobe-workspace-client.ear and made my own custom one, just changing an image (in lc.css) to test it and called it my-customworkspace-client.ear

Within my ear I changed the application.xml file:

So when I try to navigate to:

Adobe Version: http://server:9080/workspace/ - This works
My Version: http://server:9080/myworkspace/ - This doesn't

Hope this makes sense and someone can help!


Level 3
Finally figured out what I was doing wrong.

It the documentation the command it gives to package up the war file is as follows:

"-cvf my-customworkspace-client.war METAINF\MANIFEST.MF *."

Whats wrong with the above command? Yes, the full stop at the end of the command. I removed this ran through the steps, deployed my ear file and I'm good to go.