We have fixed the issue in the SDK and will updated in next
build. However, what problems you are facing with the code the
Nigel sent ? If you look at the code he sent, there is a
setCustomUserDetail method, all other info you want to send should
be put in the p_detail Object parameter that you use to call the
For e.g. userName you can directly set through the
setUserDisplayName api in UserManager . For any additional fields
like localtion , avator, you need to create a object like
var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.location = "your location" ;
obj.avatar = "your avator" ;
and then called setCustomUserDetail (userID,obj) API in the
shared model class nigel gave. And you should look at the
onItemReceive function in that sharedmodel class, and see if you
have received those custom values and once you do, you can dispatch
an event and use them.
For any API, the only other thing you need to userID of the
user for whom you are sending the info. You can get that from the
UserManager. Hope this helps.
Hironmay Basu