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Complete Task process


Level 8
Level 8
Hi all,

In my main process I have a Dummy task to which I use the Complete Task process to complete a task from outside Workspace, this works OK

However I have a question - in the Complete Task process I would like to pass an output variable to the main process (to get hold of some info about the submitted document (a pdf).

So my question is - how is it possible to get the submitted PDF (which is signed by the way) from the Complete Task process into my main process

As always - please don't hesitate to bug me for detail or explanations if you don't understand what I am asking

A nice weekend to you all :)


12 Replies


Level 10

On that Dummy task, you still need to configure the "Form Data Mapping". The submitted data should still be in the Output Form Data varibale that you have configured.



Level 8
Level 8
Hi again Jasmin,<br /><br />Thanks for your reply<br /><br />I have tried your suggestion - but I am not sure that it works as it should.<br /><br />My form that goes outside workspace is set to submit XDP with the (PDF including signature) hceck box clicked), but when I take a look at the data in the variable (xfaform) I have assigned the Output Form Data to I only see a reference to a pdf and not the pdf it self.<br /><br />Like this:<br />>...<br /><pdf xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/xdp/pdf/" href="../../../../../Documents and Settings/myUser/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files/Content.Outlook/NULP6PVY/MyForm.pdf"/><br />...<<br /><br />How can I get hold of the entire signed PDF document and the data?<br /><br />Thanks in advance<br /><br />Sincerely<br />Kim


Level 8
Level 8
Update on the case:

I have now found out that the problem exist because I am using the process fields. I have tried to replicate the problem with a simple form with a Submit button and no process fields.

However I guess that I need the process fields on the form to make use of the Complete Task service, is this correct?

Thanks in advance




Level 10
From where are you completing this from? You're not in Workspace right? Is it an email, or a web page?

I don't see why the process field we make any difference, but you can technically call the Complete Task service without them. It's just a service like any others.



Level 8
Level 8
Hi again,

No there should be no difference, that is my conclusion as well, however apparently there is a difference...

I am completing the task from outside workspace yes. It is done from an email, so I will need some of the functionality to make sure that the form is not submitted more than once (I believe to remember that this is ensured when using the process fields). I could ensure this by making my own script on the form.

Do you by the way know if it is possible to submit an entire PDF to a web service directly?

Thanks for the effort




Level 10
You should. You could base64 encode it in a string variable or add it as a SOAP attachemnt if you control the SOAP message.



Level 8
Level 8
Hi again - thanks for the info.




Level 8
Level 8
Hi again Jasmin,

I have been busy finishing of the project without this functionality, but now I have finished and have to implement the above scenario.

In doing this I still have the problem that I only get a reference to the PDF and not the raw PDF inside the XDP.

I have tried to change my Complete Task process to also be able to handle a PDF instead of just XDP files, but the results from the completeTask (Task Notification) are not good (the task is never completed - even though that the completeService output is "Success".

I cannot find any documentation for the completeTask-service in the help for Workbench, so that is a dead end.

In short, I still need to be able to grab the signed PDF from outside workspace and insert it back in to the original process, but I have no idea where to go from here.

Can anyone out there help me?

Thanks in advance




Level 8
Level 8

When I submit XDP files from outside WS the result after completeTask is "Successfully completed task: 5509", I am just wondering what the difference between this and the "Success" from the above result is?




Level 10
What variable type and content are you passing to the user step in the Form Data Mapping?



Level 8
Level 8
Hi again,

I have set it to be an xfaForm for both input and output.

I have investigated the problem with "only" getting the reference for the pdf and not the entire chunk-tag.

In the regular submitbuttons click event there is some autogenerated code, and I guess that the following call to the function submitForm() is the reason to why there is no raw pdf in the xdp that is submitted:

submitForm({cURL: _mailto, bEmpty: true, cSubmitAs: "XDP", cCharset: "utf-8"});

I have tried giving an extra parameter for the function:

bEmbedForm: true

but this apparantly does not work (only works for "FDF" file types.

However when I click a normal Submit button the raw pdf is embedded in the xdp (if it is clicked in the properties). So I am wondering which function is used for submitting with a normal submit button?

Don't hesitate to ask me to elaborate if the above seems to be impossible to understand ;)




Level 8
Level 8
Am I talking jibberish here ? :-)

