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Cannot connect to named destination (webservice)


Level 1

I'm trying to add a named destination to proxy-config.xml for a webservice but I'm getting this error when trying to send a message:

'my-http' fault handler called. [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: http://iveCycle.swf/lcds-samples/messagebroker/http" errorID=2032]
'my-http' channel polling stopped.
'my-http' channel connect failed.
'my-amf' channel endpoint set to http://iveCycle.swf/lcds-samples/messagebroker/amf
'my-amf' channel settings are:
<channel id="my-amf" type="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel"><endpoint uri="http://{server.name}:{server.port}/lcds-samples/messagebroker/amf"/><properties><polling-enabled>false</polling-enabled></properties></channel>
'7A059B6D-AABB-EFF5-1E32-774CDF862EC3' producer channel faulted with Channel.Ping.Failed  url: 'http://iveCycle.swf/lcds-samples/messagebroker/http''
'my-amf' pinging endpoint.
'my-amf' channel got status. (Object)#0
  code = "NetConnection.Call.Failed"
  description = "HTTP: Status 502"
  details = "http://iveCycle.swf/lcds-samples/messagebroker/amf"
  level = "error"
'my-amf' channel polling stopped.
'my-amf' channel connect failed.
'7A059B6D-AABB-EFF5-1E32-774CDF862EC3' producer channel faulted with Channel.Connect.Failed NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Status 502: url: 'http://iveCycle.swf/lcds-samples/messagebroker/amf'
'7A059B6D-AABB-EFF5-1E32-774CDF862EC3' producer fault for 'E998C06C-CA6A-F0EA-ADE1-774CE05214D1'.

The code in the proxy-config.xml is:

    <destination id="brailleWebService">
        <adapter ref="soap-proxy"/>

and in the mxml:

    <mx:WebService id="brailleDestination" destination="brailleWebService" fault="handleBrailleFault (event)" result="handleBrailleResult (event)" useProxy="true">
        <mx:operation name="BrailleText">

I'm wondering why there is an attempt to connect to http://iveCycle.swf/lcds-samples/messagebroker/http.  The servername here is the name of my project without its first letter.  Although the server config for my project (properties/flex server) point to localhost.  Any idea what's going on here?

PS: the connection works fine when I work without a named destination.

2 Replies


Level 1

have you found any solution for this problem, I spent hours trying to solve, no solution at all

I am using remoteObject to get data for an AIR Application (windows application)

please help me about it!


Level 1

The problem here was that I was working with an AIR (desktop) application which has no idea what the url of the server is.  It's a bit misleading to think the application will copy the server properties from your project properties.  The solution is to hardcode (configure) the endpoint for the service, something like remoteObject.endpoint = http://localhost:8080/lcds-samples/messagebroker/amf.