I'm using the following code to reference a text field called "my_text_field":xfa.resolveNode("my_text_field").rawValue = "Hello";It works fine until I use it with a text field nested in a table. If the field is in a table, the command does not find it. I've tried moving the exact same field in and ...
I have a DateTimeField on my form, regardless of what I put in Display Pattern, Edit Pattern, Data Pattern, or Validation Pattern, whenever I retrieve the rawValue in javascript code it shows as "YYYY-MM-DD". One of the reasons this is a problem is that I need to see if the entry in this field is a ...
I started with Designer auto creating a form based on an existing PDF file and then added additional fields that the auto recognize did not catch. I went through the View Tab Order process and assigned the tabbing order. When viewing the order they are in the correct sequence. When I save the form a...
Hey guys. Here's my problem;The person types in their answers into the form that I've created through Adobe Designer. When I view online or print out the form, the entire answer for any text field is not seen. Their answer will scroll towards the right endlessly without wrapping down to the next lin...
I'm searching for an answer to a problem: how do you hide an object that's located on the master page of a form??I have a text field on the master page of my form that displays a predefined string value. I would like to hide this text object (or remove the value) when the form is printed but have th...
hi, I'm having some problem when rendering my pdf forms. I´ve cleared the browser´s cache and temporary files also. I´ve changed the browser´s properties to never search for versions of stored pages and even reduced the size of temporary files to keep. I've also checked the option to erase all tempo...
Is there a way to make the text field boxes slanted (at a 45 degree angle clockwise? I am only able to rotate them so the text is vertical at 90 degree angle but I would like them slanted.THANK YOU!
I am creating a form for print that a customer may fill out in acrobat, print, and then fax to me. My problem is that if I dont set a character limit, people can continue to type until it is no longer visible on the page; when printed extraneous text cannot be seen. The character limit avoids this B...
Hi, I need a popupwindow to appear on click of a particular button or onchange of particular eventt.How to create a popup window in desgner?Please help me about this.Regards,Sangeetha