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Background fill floating fields?


Former Community Member
Is there a way to background specific text within a text object? I'm trying to shade my floating fields. It looks like the background fill
only applies like borders, so it only applies to the entire text object.

I know you can change the color of words within a text object. Seems like the ability to background fill particular words should be a basic feature.

1 Reply


Level 6
I figured this out. When you create the static text object at design time, make sure that it has a word with a different colour or font or something. That will ensure that its value property contains an exData object with contentType="text/html". Now you can change the contents at run time with (I've replaced the angle brackets with {}):

var theXML = "{body xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xmlns:xfa=\"http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-data/1.0/\" xfa:APIVersion=\"2.5.6290.0\"}{p style=\"text-decoration:none\"}The{span style=\"xfa-spacerun:yes\"} {/span}{span style=\"color:#ff0000\"}quick{/span} brown fox.{/p}{/body}";


Jared Langdon
