I've a dataset which contains 51 columns but when I query my dataset in query service it return just 16 columns.
Column in dataset :
_id | endUserIDs._experience.emailid.id | web.webInteraction.URL |
application.launches.value | endUserIDs._experience.emailid.namespace.code | web.webInteraction.linkClicks.id |
channel._id | endUserIDs._experience.mcid.id | web.webInteraction.linkClicks.value |
channel._type | endUserIDs._experience.mcid.namespace.code | web.webInteraction.name |
channel.mediaAction | environment.duration | web.webInteraction.type |
channel.mediaType | eventType | web.webPageDetails.URL |
commerce.checkouts.value | identityMap | web.webPageDetails.isErrorPage |
commerce.order.currencyCode | marketing.campaignGroup | web.webPageDetails.name |
commerce.order.payments | marketing.campaignName | web.webPageDetails.pageViews.value |
commerce.order.priceTotal | marketing.trackingCode | web.webReferrer.URL |
commerce.order.purchaseID | placeContext.geo._id | web.webReferrer.type |
commerce.order.purchaseOrderNumber | placeContext.geo._schema.latitude | dataSource._id |
commerce.productListAdds.value | placeContext.geo._schema.longitude | dataSource.code |
commerce.productListViews.value | placeContext.geo.city | device.type |
commerce.productViews.value | productListItems | search.position |
commerce.purchases.value | search.isPaid | search.searchEngine |
commerce.saveForLaters.value | search.keywords | timestamp |
Get List of Columns :
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = 'public'
AND table_name = '<tablename>'
Query :
Column return by query service/Query:
application | web |
eventType | placeContext |
channel | identityMap |
timestamp | marketing |
_id | environment |
productListItems | device |
commerce | search |
endUserIDs | dataSource |
I can see, query service ignores the column name having dot(.) or underscore(_). I checked with other SQL client like DbVisualizer and HeidiSQL. It returns 16 column only. Does it have any restriction at column naming convention?
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@vikash4 If fields are created directly under the root object of the schema (_tenantId), select * query will display all the columns. But when object/array type field is used in schema, nested columns of the object will not display with select * query.
AEP is supporting couple of functions which supports array type fields to unnest columns like explode, flatten, inline etc. check https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/query/sql/spark-sql-functions.html?lang=.... I have not come across function in AEP which can unnest/flatten object type filed.
Try to use inline function to expand array object column . Check https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/query/sql/syntax.html
Hi @Anuhya-Y ,
Thanks for your reply. As per document, inline function supports array element. I have different data model which does not have arrays. Also, I feel inline function would be more helpful when we know the column name in advance. So I'm getting error as type mismatch.
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@vikash4 If fields are created directly under the root object of the schema (_tenantId), select * query will display all the columns. But when object/array type field is used in schema, nested columns of the object will not display with select * query.
AEP is supporting couple of functions which supports array type fields to unnest columns like explode, flatten, inline etc. check https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/query/sql/spark-sql-functions.html?lang=.... I have not come across function in AEP which can unnest/flatten object type filed.