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How to fetch data with Query result in with Query Service API


Level 2

Using the Query service I can read the Journey Optimizer datasets in the database. I understand data can be exported from the dataset to a destination of choice. How can I get the actual result of a query using the Query Service API?  Example. I want to make an API call to fetch the results in Postman. When I read the documentation on Query Service APIs, I didn't see something like that. The purpose is to build an integration to be able to use the Query Service to fetch the Journey Optimizer datasets using query and API calls.

2 Replies


Level 2


Level 5

Hi @JohnYa5, AEP query service APIs doesnt support this. There were data access APIs (deprecated now and recommendation is to use destinations to export data). 
Two ways you may accomplish this :

  1. I'm sure the journey metadata that you're looking forward to fetch from AJO system datasets you may not need in realtime hence daily cadence to export this data to a destination (E.g. S3) would be a viable solution and later filter/process it for downstream application. 
  2. If you have data distiller, schedule your query (same one that you're looking forward to execute via postman) daily within platform that reads data from AJO datasets  and store results into a dataset which you can export daily for downstream application.

Hope this helps.
