
Filtering ingest from mobile sdk based on App build


Level 3



Is it possible to filter ingestion based on mobile app build version? The older app version is sending an undesired value of "not logged in" for the Id field whenever an user opens the app. To rectify this a new app build was released, however app devs cannot force users to update the app. Hence there is a requirement to filter ingestion from Mobile SDK. By any chance is there any way that could be done from Ingestion to stop these values from getting ingested into AEP, as it messing up the Id graph.


Thank you viewing this post, any guidance will be greatly appreaciated.



Sambit Sahu



1 返信


Level 5

Hi @SahuSa1,  I'm sure you have an arrangement for all app versions that identifies from which app version traffic is coming from i.e. a field the captures app version 


In my opinion data-stream (exclusive to AEP)  is the place where, while mapping you can use data-prep to conditionally decide what to populate and send to AEP. 

E.g : iif (appVesrion="XXX", attributeName, "")

attributeName - If version matches you wanna send the value else keep it blank.

Above was specific to one attribute. If requires to be done for complete record/payload nothing exists to my knowledge and you will have to do it across all the fields.