I am looking into the Adobe Data Distiller Guide (Adobe Data Distiller Guide | Adobe Data Distiller Guide), and I am trying to follow along with the exploration section for AJO, here: EXPLORE 300: Exploring Adobe Journey Optimizer System Datasets with Data Distiller | Adobe Data Dist...
When I run the query in the attachment I get 0 rows.
where table_name = 'ajo_entity_dataset';
The sandbox is new, and we have no journey defined yet. However, as the dataset seems to exist, I am expecting to see at least the metadata in information_schema.columns. But I get nothing. Question is: is this a matter of permissions, or it is because there is no journey yet? I can see the columns in information_schema.columns for other datasets, but not for the AJO ones.
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Hi @GabrielaNa1 ,
I tried this query through AEP Query Service UI in a sandbox with 0 journeys and it works fine for me,
Can you check if you are using the correct database? Also, try this command in AEP query service once and see if you get any results.
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Thanks, but for me still doesn't get any results. Table is displayed in information_schema.tables, but I cannot get details on the columns from information_schema.columns. That's OK, though, we should start creating journeys soon, I will try it again afterwards.