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Aquire and Collect request type in web SDK


Level 6



I am exploring web sdk implementation and QA and during reviewing a website i came across Aquire and Collect request type in omnibug and network tab but the same are not available in AEP debuger.

As per my uderstanding collect request type is trigger when you allow context information to be collected by default when setting the web sdk extension.



But what is Aquire request for is it related to target?





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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 3

Hi @Ankit_Chaudhary ,

Good question! So, the "collect" request you’re seeing is part of the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK. It gathers data like page views and user interactions to help build user profiles for analytics and personalisation.

The "Acquire" request, on the other hand, is related to Adobe Target. This request fetches personalised content for users based on their profiles and behaviours, ensuring they see relevant content.

If these requests aren’t showing up in the AEP Debugger, it’s probably because the debugger mainly focuses on Adobe Experience Platform services, so it might not highlight specific requests for Adobe Target as prominently or it might be communicating with a different endpoint or service that the AEP Debugger is not configured to monitor.

While these requests aren’t directly about the Experience Cloud ID (ECID), they use ECID to make sure data and personalised content are correctly matched to the right users.

I hope this helps!

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1 Reply


Correct answer by
Level 3

Hi @Ankit_Chaudhary ,

Good question! So, the "collect" request you’re seeing is part of the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK. It gathers data like page views and user interactions to help build user profiles for analytics and personalisation.

The "Acquire" request, on the other hand, is related to Adobe Target. This request fetches personalised content for users based on their profiles and behaviours, ensuring they see relevant content.

If these requests aren’t showing up in the AEP Debugger, it’s probably because the debugger mainly focuses on Adobe Experience Platform services, so it might not highlight specific requests for Adobe Target as prominently or it might be communicating with a different endpoint or service that the AEP Debugger is not configured to monitor.

While these requests aren’t directly about the Experience Cloud ID (ECID), they use ECID to make sure data and personalised content are correctly matched to the right users.

I hope this helps!