Session Details
With Edge Delivery Services, developers can build high-performing sites with composable services, content authors can produce new content easily, and marketers get actionable insights. Discover how a content-first approach accelerates development cycles so that you can make a measurable business impact. Enable content authors to use their favorite tools and publish with one click.
In this lab:
- Learn how to have authoring, design, and development occur in parallel, accelerating your business beyond legacy development processes
- Use your preferred modern web development tools and techniques for fast implementation and high performance without the complications
- See how to measure, analyze, and improve your segmentation and personalization capabilities with Adobe Customer Journey Analytics and Adobe Target
Session Schedule
Thursday, Mar 28 | 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM PDT
Carsten Ziegeler, Principal Scientist, Adobe
Karl Pauls, Sr. Computer Scientist, Adobe
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