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Is it safe to return null as a value to a field in XDM? Failed batch in AEP Data Ingestion Due to null value.


Level 4

Hi All,

Has anyone had any issues with returning null as a value to a field in their XDM object? I just ran into an issue with data ingestion where one of the fields was getting null and it made the data import fail. The field was expecting a string.



2 Replies


Level 5

Hi @MichaelJo13   certainly its not best practice.

I'm sure error message that you're getting is something like during data ingestion is ,

"The message can’t be validated: [#/_field_path: expected type: String, found: Null]" despite the field not being required.


The value null is not accepted/supported by Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) ingestion process. If a field does not have a value, then it must be excluded from the payload.




Level 4

I got the message "The message cannot be validated due to data type error: #/_experience/analytics/customDimensions/eVars/eVar7: expected type: String, found Null."


As far as excluding fields from a payload, I've posted another question, if you are interested: Excluding a Field from a Payload/Data Ingestion - ... - Adobe Experience League Community - 739273