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Looking to hire someone for a few hours to teach me more about ACDL/Tags/XDM integration.


Level 4

I'm trying to find someone ASAP to help me get up to speed on using the ACDL and to get the data into Tags/XDM. I have experience with populating XDM using update variable and data elements etc. but I need to understand better how to create and consume and map the data in Tags, when using an EDDL. The below video would have been perfect if he spent more time showing how everything was setup and mapped etc. 


I have the basics down and I've watched a ton of videos and read documentation, but I still have some holes in my knowledge and need to have a few hours with someone that has this experience. Can anyone recommend someone to me. I need this help!!!!




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1 Reply


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Dear @MichaelJo13 ,

I completely understand your concern. However, recommending someone might be a bit difficult as we’re not certain about their availability. Perhaps you could try reaching out to them via LinkedIn? I truly appreciate your understanding!

Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B (Arun) | NextRow Digital | Terryn Winter Analytics