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Access data content in a streaming batch via API


Level 2

Hi guys


Probably an easy one (hopefully) but I was checking the documentation around access data content via API on https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/data-access/tutorials/dataset-data.html?...


Basically I wanted to be able to send an API call to AEP that allows me to see the content of a streaming batch (identified by a batch ID). However the documentation seems to require a file ID which I don't think I have (since it is a streaming ingestion).


More specifically, there is a streaming batch that contains 20 ingested records. There is no error whatsoever. It is a successful ingestion.

The API response I am hoping to get should return me what these 20 records look like.


Any idea how to achieve this or if you could point me to the right direction that'd be really appreciated.


Thank you


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