I know the repo hasn't been updated since 2020 but just started exploring the repo and it's pretty cool. Curious to see who else is using it or thinking about it.
Anyone using it or is planning on using it?
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I know that there were a handful of clients using this, but I've not heard anything about this in a while.
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@franzli Did you find the suggested solutions ? If you have found out solution yourself, share it with wider audience in the community..
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Hey @franzli , thanks for posting! I love the simplicity and convenience of a CLI tool and have always wanted a Launch/Tags workflow based on a local environment. However I've always gotten stuck on certain points that keep it from being a part of my workflow. For instance:
Let's say I've cloned a property to my local using reactor-downloader (and remembered to save the .reactor-settings.json!). Then, I made some changes in my local copy. Now I want to add those changes to a library and build them to my Launch Development environment.
As far as I can tell, reactor-sync only pulls from or pushes to an asset's Latest revision — it doesn't deal with libraries or environments. So I would either need to (a) write my own tool, GitHub Actions, etc. using e.g. reactor SDK to create a new library, add my change(s) to that library, and build the library to a development environment (and staging and production, if it were to truly integrate with my workflow); or (b) go into the Launch UI, create a library, create a new revision from that asset's Latest revision, and build to development (this kind of defeats the purpose of having a local environment in the first place).
I love that this tool (and reactor-downloader) were created in the first place, and I also feel it's kind of half-baked in terms of being truly useful as a more efficient alternative to the Launch UI. I would LOVE to see these tools get more love!