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Tutorial Discussion: Implement Adobe Experience Cloud with Web SDK tutorial


Employee Advisor

Use this thread to ask any questions related to the Implement Adobe Experience Cloud with Web SDK tutorial tutorial on Experience League. Experts are monitoring this thread to ensure your questions are answered.

28 Replies



Good day!
Is anyone monitoring this channel?  The last post was in 2022.


Employee Advisor

Hi, I monitor it. Will try to check in more often!


Level 1

Hello! We are having an issue that I would like some clarity on. 


We enabled Adobe Target using the Web SDK following Adobe's instructions. (See link below) https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/platform-learn/implement-web-sdk/applications-setup/setup...

The implementation does not use any customization (scopes, etc.). We are using the Guided Events option for the Target rule so that it fires at the top of the page. The A4T integration was already done prior to migrating to the Web SDK. A4T was used regularly with the previous implementation worked well. We can see that Server-side Analytics tracking is enabled in the logs and both Analytics and Target are enabled in the Datastream. (reference link below)


However, no data is collecting in Target or Analytics. Every time we create an activity and test it/set it live - we get the same error: "We are having trouble retrieving data for this report. Please contact Adobe client-care if problem persists." 

We aren't sure what to do. I can see the SDID in the schema - but it isn't mapped to anything. I don't know if this is the problem. (And if it is - I don't know what to map it to. I have searched everywhere for documentation on how to map the fields in the Target fieldsets for the schema - but have come up short.) We have put in a ticket with client care - but are not getting anywhere. 

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Employee Advisor

Hi @PeggyWaiteBradley ,

Hope you are well. So, you have two sendEvents on every page load? The first with "use guided events" and "request personalization" and the second with "use guided events" and "collect analytics"?


With this setup the Target data needed for A4T is returned from the first call's response and then included in the second calls request (i think the scopeDetails). Do you see that info getting passed in the second call? SDID is not used at all with A4T and Web SDK.


A dumb thing to check.... The report suite in the Target activity is definitely the same as the report suite used in the datastream (or any report suite override), right?


Level 1

Hi Daniel!  

I double checked and the report suite is the same in the datastream and the activity (good thing to know). 

Yes - the implementation has two rules. The "target rule" has the guided events/request personalization and the analytics rule has guided events/collect analytics. When I go to a page where an activity is running - I see two event calls. The first one is the decisioning proposition fetch. It looks like this:

Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 11.25.14 AM.png 

The second event is the web.webPageDetails.pageViews event and it looks like this:

Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 11.27.01 AM.png

I do not see the scope details getting passed in the second call. 

@dwright So based on your comment - I had the architect take another look. And because the Analytics connector was being used - there wasn't actually a rule that sent the other guided event. (I misspoke) So we added in a Decision Proposition Send sendEvent action at the end of the analytics rule. This gave us the proper information in the calls and we now see data populating. When we migrate completely off the connector - we will ensure that action is not used and the information is brought over with the guided events rule for analytics. 


Level 1

Hello again. I have another question that we are having problems getting help with. We have followed the instructions for updating the Target profile according to the documentation here:  https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/platform-learn/implement-web-sdk/applications-setup/setup.... Here are the steps I took:

1. Verified that the data elements I needed for the profile were already created. 

2. Created a data element called data.content with the following custom code:

var data = {

   __adobe: {

      target: {

         "profile.utmCampaign": _satellite.getVar("UTM Campaign"),

         "profile.utmSource": _satellite.getVar("UTM Source"),

         "profile.utmMedium": _satellite.getVar("UTM Medium"),

         "profile.siteSection": _satellite.getVar("siteSectionCookie"),

         "profile.storeFront": _satellite.getVar("storeFront")




return data;

3. Added %data.content% to the Target rule:

Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 9.56.41 AM.png

4. Published the library. 

It has been weeks - but the only profile attribute that shows up in the Target UI is the siteSection - because it is keyed off a cookie. (I understand why the storeFront variable isn't working - as it is part of the data layer and this variable is not yet available on the page. I tried to solve for this by putting the data.content element in the analytics page view rule - but still get all the same results.) And even when I try to use that attribute - the audiences don't work. 


Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 10.17.25 AM.png

Secondly - I would like to delay saving the records until after the content paint. So I have tried to add "save": false to the end of my custom code in the data element - but it doesn't work. In the documentation it states: "After the content has been visualized, send the proper payload (including the eventToken and stateToken) for the corresponding attributes to be recorded." So I have sent a custom code event after the first send event with the following code (according to the documentation):

alloy("sendEvent", {
"renderDecisions": true,
"data": {
"__adobe": {
"target": {
"profile.utmCampaign": _satellite.getVar("UTM Campaign"),
"profile.utmSource": _satellite.getVar("UTM Source"),
"profile.utmMedium": _satellite.getVar("UTM Medium"),
"profile.siteSection": _satellite.getVar("siteSectionCookie"),
"profile.storeFront": _satellite.getVar("storeFront")

I can see this additional event in the debugger - but I still am not getting attributes in the Target UI and the siteSection attribute does not work when used for segmentation.


**I will note that I am using a staging URL in Target - and have quit pushing the changes to the rules up to prod. I have never had problems with testing profile attributes in a lower environment. And none of the documentation for the Web SDK says that rules have to be promoted to production in order to test.


Level 1

Hi @dwright ,


Thank you for putting together the tutorial instructions. I have two observations: 


Observation 1: 

I am on the step to setup Audience Manager(AAM). I created the DataSource, Trait, Segment, and finally Destination. When I validate the segment if the setup is working as expected. I find "platform_web_sdk_tutorial" cookie is not set. 

The preview has no payload for the cookie. 



My observation is that, the tutorial step asks to setup "platform_web_sdk_tutorial"  as the cookie where as the cookie name  in the screenshot is "web_sdk_demo". I do see the data flowing into AAM. The screenshot of the segment is shared below but I don't see the cookie being set. 




Observation 2: 

Setup of Experience Platform  -   In the step of "Create a Loyalty schema and ingest sample data" " in addition to the two Field groups we need to add "Person Identifier" to add PersonID. Maybe the dictionary in XDM has changed.