I want to leverage Launch as the place where I can make all the Adobe Analytics configurations and be able to track pages and clicks without needing to use Rules in the Launch UI to trigger a page or click call. Essentially I want to use Launch in replacement of needing to implement the Appmeasurement file, but also to be able to track pages/clicks using the methods from Appmeasurement. Is this doable with Launch?
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@mattcheng1 wrote:
Thanks for this insight! So you're saying that after putting the Launch script tag that's provided from Launch on my site/page, we can implement the s.t() and s.tl() methods on the page without needing to add a page or click tracking Rule in Launch?
Yes -- provided you have made the "s" object to be global in the Analytics extension and your s.t() / s.tl() calls are made after the Launch script has been loaded.
@mattcheng1 wrote:
Do you know if there's documentation on this? The only thing I've been able to find is this link but it sounds like from here you'd either need to configure everything within Rules in Launch or use the custom code editor in Launch for page/click tracking to work.
Documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/implementation/vars/functions/t-method.html?lang=e...
There's not really any documentation, but it is stated as so in the Analytics extension's UI itself.
Yes, you can.
In Launch, in the Analytics extension, there is a setting to make the "s" object globally available. Make sure that is selected.
Then in your page code, you can use s.t() and s.tl() as you wish. You might want to include an if-else statement in your code to ensure that the "s" object is available before running s.t() / s.tl(), e.g. in case your code runs before the Launch script itself has run or if there's an unexpected error that prevents the Launch script from running completely.
Thanks for this insight! So you're saying that after putting the Launch script tag that's provided from Launch on my site/page, we can implement the s.t() and s.tl() methods on the page without needing to add a page or click tracking Rule in Launch?
Do you know if there's documentation on this? The only thing I've been able to find is this link but it sounds like from here you'd either need to configure everything within Rules in Launch or use the custom code editor in Launch for page/click tracking to work.
Documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/implementation/vars/functions/t-method.html?lang=e...
@mattcheng1 wrote:
Thanks for this insight! So you're saying that after putting the Launch script tag that's provided from Launch on my site/page, we can implement the s.t() and s.tl() methods on the page without needing to add a page or click tracking Rule in Launch?
Yes -- provided you have made the "s" object to be global in the Analytics extension and your s.t() / s.tl() calls are made after the Launch script has been loaded.
@mattcheng1 wrote:
Do you know if there's documentation on this? The only thing I've been able to find is this link but it sounds like from here you'd either need to configure everything within Rules in Launch or use the custom code editor in Launch for page/click tracking to work.
Documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/implementation/vars/functions/t-method.html?lang=e...
There's not really any documentation, but it is stated as so in the Analytics extension's UI itself.