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Fire Adobe Data Collection Tag Rules within an iframe


Level 2

Good day!  

We have a website with a third party hosted page inside of an iframe.

We have full code access to the page within the iframe.

We want to trigger Adobe Data Collection Tag rules both in the parent page, and on the iframe embedded page.

We see that the Adobe Experience Platform tag is loading within the iframe

We do not see any of the tag rules fire from the iframe.

In this post, the accepted answer described changing settings in the Adobe Analytics extension in the Data Collection property. 
However, none of those settings are available in the Adobe Analytics Extension, v. 1.9.3

So, how do we fire Adobe Data Collection Tag Property Rules inside of an iframe?
Thank you in advance!
Will England

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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 2

We have found that the Adobe Tag Rules *do* fire within the iframe, just silently.  They do not log to console even with 'debug' turned on.

The issue we were having revolved around Tag Rule conditions for the iframe subomain and path; once we resolved the iframe subdomain and path, tag rules do fire and our javascript libraries are triggered as normal within the iframe.


View solution in original post

4 Replies


Level 2

We have reviewed 

And are trying to avoid recoding our javascript on either the parent or iframed page.  Our solution currently works with the javascript tags loading on the parent and iframed pages.  We also note the solution listed on the above page requires both the parent and iframed page to be on the same domain, and our pages are not on the same domain.


Any suggestions or ideas are more than welcome!





Take a look at this thread: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-analytics-questions/iframe-load-event-adobe-d...


It might be helpful.  Working with iframes is very challenging and quite frankly can be unstable.  A solution that works today could have issues in the future with little to no warning. 


Level 2

Thank you - unfortunately, our iframe is loading a different domain than the parent page, so the solution provided there would not work.  Appreciate the feedback!


Correct answer by
Level 2

We have found that the Adobe Tag Rules *do* fire within the iframe, just silently.  They do not log to console even with 'debug' turned on.

The issue we were having revolved around Tag Rule conditions for the iframe subomain and path; once we resolved the iframe subdomain and path, tag rules do fire and our javascript libraries are triggered as normal within the iframe.