Hello everyone, I am creating PROD env for Adobe Launch. In the case I choose Link DTM embed code, what will happen when I publish Adobe Launch in Production?Thanks
Anyone can help me to get some sample data layer implementation for the number of search results found for a search term and specific result link clicked by the users.
I'm trying to configure Adobe Launch to publish to my self hosted SFTP server. Can you help with uploading my ssh private's key? I've created ssh keys and then wrapped them in the gpg encryption wrapper as outlined here: https://developer.adobelaunch.com/api/guides/encrypting_values/ However, I've b...
Hello everyone, I am analyzing the migrated custom code from DTM to Launch. I would like to ask you information about these two codes 1) if (digitalData.hasOwnProperty("_dtm")) {delete digitalData._dtm;} 2)digitalData._dtm.linkLabel = linkLabel;digitalData._dtm.linkEvents = linkEvents;digitalData._d...
Hello everyone, I am working on the migration from DTM to Launch. I noticed that a new rules was created with this name Migrated from DTM: Adobe Analytics - Send Beacon on every page. Anyone can give me some information about this rule and shall I adjust this?
Hello everybody, hope you're doing fine We are currently doing more and more app tracking with Analytics and the Launch SDK. Thus we often get asked by developers if it is necessary to have the Profile Extension since they do not use it. It is added by default when setting up a property in Launch ...
Hi jantzen,How can I implement alloy.js library without having A.E.P? I currently have Launch so I can use it to manage the library.Still, the Adobe documentation "Quick start with Launch" (https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-platform/edge/get-started/quick-start-with-launch.html) says...
I would like to implement following use case using AEP -1. Capture user behavioral data while he interacts with the website. 2. If a user shows an interest in a product then add him/her to a particular segment. 3. If user has qualified for a segment in Step#2 then show some personalized message or o...