One of our customers is implementing a new CMS and got a security audit on their developments. One of the points raised by the audit was SRI, or subresource integrity (Subresource Integrity - Web security | MDN ).What are the plans/possibilities of the Launch Lib to comply?Stefan
We are currently mainly using direct call rules for our tracking. Even the page view itself is a direct call rule, as we had the pageBottom fire when it shouldn't (SPA not finished initializing). All our rules follow the same pattern in the action section: 1-n Set Variables, Send Beacon, Clear Varia...
I have created a rule for adobe analytics extension and have configured analytics variables with test values for ex: pagename: "homepage", channel: "channel". The rule is firing but it cannot set variable, not sending beacon, neither clearing variable with error as "Cannot read property 'indexOf' of...
We have internal search for our website. We want to capture the internal search values using Adobe Launch and push those values into Adobe Analytics.We are concerned that some users may search using confidential keywords such as social security numbers and email addresses.Can Adobe Launch filter an...
Would appreciate if you kindly let me what a types of license is required to get started Adobe Mobile Services?So confused w/ AEM Mobile, Adobe Marketing Cloud Mobile, and Adobe Experience Platoform Mobile, and so on...Thank you in advance.
Hi All,To upload extensions via npx @adobe/reactor-uploader package to Launch,I tried creating an integration through Adobe I/O and authenticate with Adobe IO integration details. But I am getting the below error while trying to do the same,No extension package was found on the server with the name ...
Hi, Has anyone used Adobe Analytics Product String extension? I followed the set up steps still can't see s.products.datalayer:Launch rule setup:console log:Can anyone please help me understand what is going wrong here? I am not getting error in the console.Regards,Sitabja
Hi,I'm trying to integrate the SDK 5 in Android and analyzing the log I found the error below2019-02-13 14:52:59.039 22682-22739/it.test.stefanoiaboni.launchappdemo E/ADBMobile: AnalyticsExtension - Couldn't retrieve shared state for com.adobe.module.identity. Please make sure you have registered an...
As the title says, I am looking to include the Page Name when calling trackAction(action:data:) from the iOS Mobile SDK version 4.17.0. It looks like this is possible from the Web SDK, but I don't see a way to do this from iOS. Is there a specific context data key that I can set?