Hi Adobe,
Are there clients who have implemented and successfully using the new AEP SDK on React Native. Adobe documentation says it is supported (Overview - Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs) but I am looking for some idea on how many clients are actually using it globally, are their known issues with the new SDK?
Also, is there an official Adobe link for SDK 4.x on Maven?
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Hi puneets82097548 - The React-native versions of the SDK are fairly new. We have a number of customers that are actively working on adopting them, however we cannot release a list of references.
re: SDK 4.x - Please see the latest updates on our End-of-Support schedule for v4: Version 4 Mobile SDKs end-of-support FAQ - Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs
Maven repo for V4 is here: Maven Repository: com.adobe.mobile » adobeMobileLibrary
Hi puneets82097548 - The React-native versions of the SDK are fairly new. We have a number of customers that are actively working on adopting them, however we cannot release a list of references.
re: SDK 4.x - Please see the latest updates on our End-of-Support schedule for v4: Version 4 Mobile SDKs end-of-support FAQ - Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs
Maven repo for V4 is here: Maven Repository: com.adobe.mobile » adobeMobileLibrary
Thanks Ivan, super helpful.
Ivan Mironchuk Maven repository only has Android package. Is there a separate link for iOS package as well?
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You can find iOS here: mobile-services/sdks at master · Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/mobile-services · GitHub
Again, would like to caution against implementing the 4.x SDKs in a new project. You should be looking towards using the new Experience Platform Mobile SDKs. See: http://sdkdocs.com
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Thanks Ivan. The client is a new digital only bank just entering the market with heavy business dependency on their react native apps. We feel there is risk proposing the new SDK to them considering no strong market references of new SDK with react native.
Do you foresee any limitations of SDK 4.x with reach native apps outside of what is mentioned here: https://webanalyticsfordevelopers.com/2019/09/03/mobile-sdks-which-one/
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With the 4.x SDKs you will be responsible for creating the bridging headers yourself. We do not have engineering support for React-Native with the 4.x SDKs. We are also completely ending support for the 4.x SDKs a year from now. Using the new React-Native SDKs allows for a lot of flexibility. You can use Adobe Launch for server-side configuration, which allows the customer to deploy changes on the fly. There is also the ability to use the Launch rules engine, 3rd party extensions etc.
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