I try to nodes with property that contains some text with special character like ? + and !
I have 4 nodes
/tmp/exclamation[@prop="value with!"]
/tmp/plus[@prop="value with+"]
/tmp/question[@prop="value with?"]
/tmp/string[@prop="value with string"]
/jcr:root/tmp//*[(jcr:contains(@prop, 'with') )] return me all 4 nodes
/jcr:root/tmp//*[(jcr:contains(@prop, 'with\!') )] return me all 4 nodes
/jcr:root/tmp//*[(jcr:contains(@prop, 'with\?') )] return me all 4 nodes
/jcr:root/tmp//*[(jcr:contains(@prop, 'with\+') )] return me all 4 nodes
How I should correctly escape ! + ? to get only node that mach my search criteria?