Retrieve the date of the first timeline entry for a page in AEM code base and display it with other details when author selects the page.
Or store first timeline entry date inside jcr:content with other page details
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@kautuk_sahni Discovered a solution
Accessing Timeline Data via PageManager API
AEM stores page modification history in the **PageManager** API. By leveraging this API, we can retrieve the first recorded modification date of a page.
1. Backend: Servlet to Fetch Timeline Entries
A servlet was created to iterate through timeline entries and retrieve the earliest available creation date.
JSONArray timelineEntries = new JSONArray();
Iterator<Resource> timelineIterator = page.getContentResource().listChildren();
while (timelineIterator.hasNext()) {
Resource timelineResource =;
String created = timelineResource.getValueMap().get("jcr:created", String.class);
if (created != null) {
JSONObject entry = new JSONObject();
entry.put("created", created);
break; // Fetch only the first entry
2. Frontend: Displaying Timeline Data
A simple JavaScript snippet was implemented to fetch and display the first timeline entry on the frontend.
$(document).ready(function () {
const pagePath = window.location.pathname;
url: "/bin/timeline",
type: "GET",
data: { path: pagePath },
success: function (data) {
if (data.timeline.length > 0) {
alert("Page First Created Date: " + data.timeline[0].created);
} else {
alert("No timeline entries found.");
error: function () {
alert("Failed to retrieve timeline data.");
This solution efficiently extracts and presents the first recorded creation date of an AEM page.
Hi @Nilesh_Mali
I believe you can look how this is handling it:
You can start from the version.jsp.
Retrieve the First Timeline Entry Date: Query the page’s version history (jcr:versionHistory) and get the creation date of the first version.
Store the Date in jcr:content: Save the date as a property (firstTimelineEntryDate) in the page's jcr:content node for easy access.
Display in Dialog: Create a custom dialog to show the firstTimelineEntryDate property using a read-only field in AEM authoring interface.
This way, the first timeline entry date is easily accessible and stored with other page details.
@Nilesh_Mali Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!
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@kautuk_sahni Discovered a solution
Accessing Timeline Data via PageManager API
AEM stores page modification history in the **PageManager** API. By leveraging this API, we can retrieve the first recorded modification date of a page.
1. Backend: Servlet to Fetch Timeline Entries
A servlet was created to iterate through timeline entries and retrieve the earliest available creation date.
JSONArray timelineEntries = new JSONArray();
Iterator<Resource> timelineIterator = page.getContentResource().listChildren();
while (timelineIterator.hasNext()) {
Resource timelineResource =;
String created = timelineResource.getValueMap().get("jcr:created", String.class);
if (created != null) {
JSONObject entry = new JSONObject();
entry.put("created", created);
break; // Fetch only the first entry
2. Frontend: Displaying Timeline Data
A simple JavaScript snippet was implemented to fetch and display the first timeline entry on the frontend.
$(document).ready(function () {
const pagePath = window.location.pathname;
url: "/bin/timeline",
type: "GET",
data: { path: pagePath },
success: function (data) {
if (data.timeline.length > 0) {
alert("Page First Created Date: " + data.timeline[0].created);
} else {
alert("No timeline entries found.");
error: function () {
alert("Failed to retrieve timeline data.");
This solution efficiently extracts and presents the first recorded creation date of an AEM page.