While working on User/Group setup I faced the problem.
I have such an hierarchy:
sling:OrderedFolder (folder1)
|__cq:Page (page1)
|__cq:Page (page2)
|__cq:Page (subpage1)
|__cq:Page (subpageN)
|__cq:Page (pageN)
I need deny access to all the pages except page1 and page2/subpage1.
So, restricted hierarchy must be the following:
sling:OrderedFolder (folder1)
|__cq:Page (page1)
|__cq:Page (page2)
|__cq:Page (subpage1).
I need use Wildcard ACLs (using rep:glob) because total amount of pages is unknown and differs from one environment to another.
My _rep_policy.xml for the folder1`s parent level is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jcr:root xmlns:crx="http://www.day.com/crx/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0" xmlns:rep="internal" jcr:primaryType="rep:ACL"> <deny jcr:primaryType="rep:DenyACE" rep:principalName="editors" rep:privileges="{Name}[jcr:read]"> <rep:restrictions jcr:primaryType="rep:Restrictions" rep:glob="/folder1/*" rep:ntNames="{Name}[cq:Page]"/> </deny> <allow0 jcr:primaryType="rep:GrantACE" rep:principalName="editors" rep:privileges="{Name}[jcr:read]"> <rep:restrictions jcr:primaryType="rep:Restrictions" rep:glob="/folder1/page2"/> </allow0> <deny0 jcr:primaryType="rep:DenyACE" rep:principalName="editors" rep:privileges="{Name}[jcr:read]"> <rep:restrictions jcr:primaryType="rep:Restrictions" rep:glob="/folder1/page2/*" rep:ntNames="{Name}[cq:Page]"/> </deny0> </jcr:root>
In useradmin console checkboxes are choosen correctly but when I try to open siteadmin the following exception appears:
org.apache.sling.jcr.resource.internal.helper.jcr.JcrNodeResourceIterator seek: Problem creating Resource for next node, skipping
javax.jcr.RepositoryException: Node /folder1/page2 doesn't have primary type set.
Besides, http://localhost:4502/folder1/page2.json returns 404 error.
My assumption is that rep:glob="/folder1/page2/*" as well as children denies parent node (page2).
Does anyone know how to restrict all the pages except one using Wildcard ACL to implement needed hierarchy?
Thank you in advance!
Solved! Go to Solution.
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This can be achieved by using rep:glob for setting up access. It uses GlobPattern which uses pattern matching to grant/revoke permissions.
For details please refer to https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authorization/restriction.html
Slide 22 on https://adapt.to/2015/presentations/adaptto2015-how-to-use-acls-effectively-mateusz-chrominski.pdf
This can be achieved by using rep:glob for setting up access. It uses GlobPattern which uses pattern matching to grant/revoke permissions.
For details please refer to https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/authorization/restriction.html
Slide 22 on https://adapt.to/2015/presentations/adaptto2015-how-to-use-acls-effectively-mateusz-chrominski.pdf