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unable to overlay nodes in crxde.


Level 4

Hello whenever I try to overlay a node in aem using crxde . I get this error.Screenshot 2024-10-10 152628.png

and when I try to create node in crxde. I get this error. How to fix it.

6 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @AliSyed1 ,


Where are you trying to overlay and create this node, is it in your local? If you are able to create it in your local and not in any other environment then may be its permission issue.
Please try to do this by having admin level access.





Community Advisor

Hi @AliSyed1 ,

Check the checkbox,





Level 4

No use bro. It is not working in local and cloud


Community Advisor



I have noted this behavior before, and my opinion is that this functionality is intentionally broken because you are not supposed to overlay a node directly in AEMaaCS through CRX/DE. Since the AEM SDK is designed to mimic the cloud as closely as possible, there are certain aspects that may not work correctly. I hope I can confirm this once I have time to dig into the code, but for now, you have two options: you can either create the overlay (nodes) manually or use an on-premise version to create the overlay in /apps and package that to deploy to your local SDK.


Hope this helps!

Esteban Bustamante


Community Advisor

Hi @AliSyed1 
Please check 





To make it safer and easier for customers to understand what areas of /libs are safe to use and overlay the content in /libs has been classified with the following mixins:

  • Public (granite:PublicArea) - Defines a node as public so that it can be overlaid, inherited ( sling:resourceSuperType) or used directly ( sling:resourceType). Nodes beneath /libs marked as Public are safe to upgrade with the addition of a Compatibility Package. In general, customers should only use nodes marked as Public.

  • Abstract (granite:AbstractArea) - Defines a node as abstract. Nodes can be overlaid or inherited ( sling:resourceSupertype) but not used directly ( sling:resourceType).

  • Final (granite:FinalArea) - Defines a node as final. Nodes classified as final ideally should not be overlaid or inherited. Final nodes can be used directly by way of sling:resourceType. Subnodes under final node are considered internal by default.

  • Internal (granite:InternalArea) *- *Defines a node as internal. Nodes classified as internal ideally should not be overlaid, inherited, or used directly. These nodes are meant only for internal functionality of AEM

  • No Annotation - Nodes inherit classification based on the tree hierarchy. The / root is by default Public. Nodes with a parent classified as Internal or Final are also to be treated as Internal.

Arun Patidar



@AliSyed1 Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!

Kautuk Sahni