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Tough Day: rc="401" rm="Unauthorized": Update the user credential varaible used in toughday jar


Level 1

While evaluating the toughday jar [0] I observed that the variables defined in toughday.properties [1] and createPages-1.2.jmx [2] are not matching.

As per the "createPages-1.2.jmx" there should be username and password defined in the toughday.properties. It currently only has user and pw.

This is causing the createPage test [3] to fail when we test it on local.

Can you please fix the toughday jar.

[0] - https://docs.adobe.com/content/docs/en/aem/6-2/develop/test/tough-day/_jcr_content/contentbody/downl...

[1] - toughday\toughday.properties

[2] - toughday\tasks\createPages\createPages-1.2.jmx

[3] - java -Xmx1024m -Dhostname=localhost -Dport=4502 -DcreatePages.toplevels=2 -DcreatePages.sublevels=2 -DcreatePages.subsublevels=2 -DcreatePages.concurrentUsers=3 -DcreatePages.rampup=1 -DcreatePages.thinkt=5 -DcreatePages.activate=true -DcreatePages.delete=true -jar toughday-5.6.1.jar createPages

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