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Sightly variables scope


Level 7

Hi all,


I used to have a jsp file for global variables. Is there an equivalent in sightly?


Suppose I have


public class AbstractModel{


     public void init(){

         // -- initiate all base variables


     public String getModelName()


           return AbstractModel.class.getName();




public class AbstractPage extends AbstractModel{


     public void init()


      // more vars here for page templates




public class NewsLandingPage extends AbstractPage{

    // blah blah



public class NewsComponent extends AbstractModel{

    // blah blah



HTL templates


<sly data-sly-use.abm="my.site.AbstractModel"/>

<sly data-sly-use.abPage="my.site.pages.AbstractPage"/>

<!--/* other customized global variables */-->

<!-- global info: ${abm.modelName }-->


for newslanding


<sly data-sly-include="global.html"/>

<!-- newslanding info: ${abm.modelName} -->



<!-- global info: my.site.AbstractModel -->

<!-- newslanding info: -->


I would expect both to return the same name, but the landing page fails. How can I extend the global visibility to other files? 

Thank you very much!



4 Replies


Employee Advisor



To extend the visibility of global variables in Sightly, you can use the data-sly-template and data-sly-call directives. Create a global template file with the variables and include it in your specific templates using data-sly-call to access the variables.


Level 7

Thanks, but it looks like template and data-sly-call is different from what I am trying to achieve.


sly-template looks to me as a nested template, I actually need the opposite. 


<sly data-sly-use.tpl="${'template.html'}" data-sly-call="${tpl.include @ tplVar=something}"/>, then the emphasis is on template.html.


The opposite is I need a global file can be shared with many resource templates. 





Hi @kevingtan 

I don't think there is any such global file in Sightly as it used to be with JSP's. You can try checking below:



Level 7

Thanks for the input. I figure sly-template is not what I need.