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Search and Promote - How to capture / rank against metadata array values


Level 2



We are currently indexing records similar to below into S&P.

"item": "ABC",
"description": "ABC Part",
"sellableregion": [{
"com_region": "us",
"rank": 100,

"type": "featured"
"com_region": "ja",
"rank": 50,

"type": "average"
"com_region": "mx",
"rank": 10,

"type": "average"

"item": "XYZ",
"description": "XYZ Part",
"sellableregion": [{
"com_region": "us",
"rank": 100,

"type": "featured"
"com_region": "ja",
"rank": 500,

"type": "featured"
"com_region": "mx",
"rank": 0,

"type": "discontinue"

So basically individual parts that contain an array of sellable regions.

We're having an issue when trying to ingest these records into Search and Promote - so that we can reference the data by a query that returns only the records within a passed region (ie: us) sorted by the type, then rank of that same region.

A) instead of loading 2 records each with 'child' arrays, should we instead be loading in 6 individual records into S&P (basically an individual record per part/region)?
B) if were ok loading as is above - we defined the meta tags for the fields above and allowed lists.  however - how do you reference only the corresponding region values (rank, type) in Ranking Rules?


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