Hi dear community,
i wanted to add a field into my metadata schemata that shows if an asset has a publishing date.
For better understanding:
Some editor takes an asset, and clicks the following: Manage Publication > Publish to Brand Portal >
and then sets a date and time.
After pushing the final ok button, somebody else wants to check if the property was set correct.
BUT i don't see how i make this value visible.
My problem now is, usually i would go to my DEV enviroment,
add a publication date to an asset and then have a look in the CRXDE of that asset to see this date is stored.
Hopefully in the metadata.
Then i could build a new date field in our metadata schemata and make it reference to ./jcr:content/metadata/UnknownPropertyName
So the next user can check within the properties what publication date is set.
BUT i don't have a Brandportal connected to my DEV and no CRX within my PROD.
Does anybody here know the name of this property?
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Hi @Adilos-Cantuerk,
Unfortunately, when an asset is scheduled for activation, there is no record stored in the metadata. The way this works is that a Sling job (an asynchronous operation) takes care of that activity in the future. The references are stored under dynamic paths generated based on the date and space, for example: "/var/eventing/scheduled-jobs/_485452266" and "/var/workflow/instances/server0/2023-09-11/scheduled_tree_activation_3/workItems/node1_var_workflow_instances_server0_2023-09-11_scheduled_tree_activation_3".
You have two options here:
Querying the repository under those dynamic paths to infer where the published date-time was stored, but this seems like overkill and a bit complicated.
Customizing your implementation to store extra custom metadata each time you set the Schedule asset publish, something like dc:scheduledDate.
I hope this helps.
Thank you for the quick reply!
I will totally go for the easy version and will customize my current publishing workflow to create an extra custom metadata.
So in case i would like to create an dc:scheduledOnDate and dc:scheduledOffDate, i would have to make it complicated again, right?
Or i could simply use the prism:expirationDate as a much more powerful depublishing tool
with a workflow that also depublishes from Brand Portal when the expiry date sets in.
(Which i don't understand why it isn't already like that).
Yeah correct, it looks like you have a metadata attribute already for unpublish assets, so you could take advantage of that field (prism:expirationDate).
@Adilos-Cantuerk Do you find the suggestion from Esteban useful? Please let us know if more information is required. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, please share it with the community.
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Hi @kautuk_sahni , hi @EstebanBustamante
i am currently on the topic of creating a service that makes the prism:expiryDate metadata to also depublish the asset from the Brand Portal. Currently it only depublishes from AEM.
Since i am not that versed i had to ask a developer to make this happen and he is on the task.
After that i will try my best to make your suggestion into a working sercive?/launcher?
In case any of you would like to give me a more elaborate explanation how i cold do it myself, i would be super grateful. Maybe a push into the right direction on "how to create..." tutorial where this gets explained - how to create a service, a launcher that triggers as soon as somebody uses the ootb "manage publication button" and sets
- a starting date -> write the same date into ./jcr:content/metadata/dc:scheduledOnDate
- a end date -> write the same date into ./jcr:content/metadata/dc:scheduledOffDate"
of the assets in question.
And i promise here and now:
As soon as i have this working:
1: I will keep you updated
2: I will rate his answer with a "correct" marker
Thank you already