I tried to integrate SAML 2.0 Authentication with Azure AD as the IDP in AEM as Cloud Service, and it's getting stuck at the very last step and not redirecting to the SP (i.e., AEM Publish Instance)
It's working fine for AEM 6.5.X versions, but not with the AEM as Cloud Service. Has anyone also faced any such issue?
Please check the below screenshot for the Network Calls.
Also, one more thing, in Azure AD Sign-in Logs, The request is coming as Success.
Can anyone please help me with some suggestions?
Solved! Go to Solution.
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This issue has been resolved by modifying configurations in Sling Referrer Filter.
Thanks everyone for the help.
Could you please share your Configurations for SAML Auth? as I am getting no errors, it's just getting stuck at the last step of redirecting back to the AEM Page, I have tried the same configurations in AEM 6.5, and it worked there.
Sure, I will share it today. Need to mask the values before sharing, give me some time.
Sure, that would help.
Also, apart from creating a global trust store for the IDP Application Certificate, I am also creating one Key Store for authentication-service and uploading the locally signed private certificates and referring in the SAML Configurations for SP Private Key Alias.
Also, please let me know the SDK Version as well, which you've used for this POC.
One last thing, is HTTPS required for the integration or HTTP would also work?
Also, one more thing have you implemented the SAML integration in Cloud Publish or Author?
Did you get any chance to check the configurations?
Could you please send it today? if possible
@mayank0928 Please refer this article: https://www.albinsblog.com/2021/11/aem-website-authentication-with-azure-ad-b2c-saml.html
This issue has been resolved by modifying configurations in Sling Referrer Filter.
Thanks everyone for the help.