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DynamoDB integration with AEM 6.5


Level 2

Hi Adobe Community,


Trying to integrate aws dynamoDB to update records in dynamoDB. we are using awsSDK 2.x version to integrate it, converted aws jar to OSGI jar & resolve the dependencies, but still it throws nullpointer exception on the DynamoDBClient object when called in the OSGI service class. Want to check if anyone had did dynamoDB integration before & help with the steps or help on resolve on instantiation of DynamoDBClient in the service (@reference is not working directly). Thanks in advance!

1 Reply


Level 6

hi @Sai_Krishna_1404, I don't have experience with DynamoDBClient but I can recommend this:

<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aws-java-sdk2 -->

 It's provided by Apache Servicemix-bundles which offers OSGI-fied versions of many famous packages as you can see here.