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image rendtion not created properly


Level 1


I was trying similar kind of approach to generate rendtions for my image but it was creating wrong width and height , 

expecetd width and height 1600 , 800 
but i got 1280X639 , what could be the possible issue , I tried passing the thhumbnail config also but no use .
Any sugesstions on this ?




@property(name = "process.label", value = "Custom Image Rendition Process") })




public class CustomImageRendition implements WorkflowProcess {


  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CustomImageRendition.class.getName());



  protected ResourceResolverFactory resourceResolverFactory;



  RenditionMaker renditionMaker;



  AssetHandler assetHandler;


  ResourceResolver resourceResolver;



  public void execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession session, MetaDataMap args) throws WorkflowException {



    String assetPath = null;


    // Get the resource resolver using system user and user mapper service

        Map<String, Object> param = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        param.put(ResourceResolverFactory.SUBSERVICE, "getResourceResolver");

          resourceResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(param);

          String payloadString = workItem.getWorkflowData().getPayload().toString();

       logger.info("payload path"+payloadString);


        // convert the payload path into a Resource

        Resource damResource = resourceResolver.resolve(payloadString);


        if (damResource != null){

        logger.info("the damResource is exists .. "+damResource);


        // further convert the resource into Dam asset

        Asset damAsset =  damResource.adaptTo(Asset.class);

        if(damAsset !=null)


        logger.info("dam asset exists .. "+ damAsset);


        // create a Rendition Template using Rendition Maker Api and give the width, height, quality, mimietype for your template

        int width = 250;

        int height = 250;

        int quality = 100;

            String mimeType = "image/jpeg";

            String[] mimeTypesToKeep ={ "image/jpeg","image/png"};

            RenditionTemplate renditionTemplate = renditionMaker.createWebRenditionTemplate(damAsset, width, height, quality,



            // Using the rendition template created above , generate the renditions

        List<Rendition> renditionList = renditionMaker.generateRenditions(damAsset, renditionTemplate);


        // using Asset Handler Api create thumbnails using the rendition for the asset.

        Collection<ThumbnailConfig> configs = null;

        for(Rendition rendition : renditionList ){

        assetHandler.createThumbnails( damAsset, rendition, configs);



        // Just to check if our rendition got added.

        for (Rendition rendition2 : damAsset.getRenditions()) {

        logger.info(rendition2.getName() + " " + rendition2.getPath()+"\n");







  catch(LoginException  |IOException e){






2 Replies


Level 6

hi @udhayaprakash, if your goal is to create renditions without any customization to their output, such as simple resizing, I recommend checking out the Thumbnail Process step, which is part of the "DAM Update Asset" workflow. This process allows you to define both thumbnails and web-enabled images.

The advantage of this solution is that it doesn't require any code for development or maintenance, making it a better option.

WF screens:

Screenshot 2025-03-21 at 12.09.30.pngScreenshot 2025-03-21 at 12.09.38.png


Screenshot 2025-03-21 at 12.11.21.png


if you're in AEM as a Cloud Service, have a look at Integrate with AEM Processing Profiles 


Community Advisor

You don’t need to create a custom code to create an image rendition. You can use available aem dam renditions to create the desired rendition both on aem on-prem and ams but in aem cloud you need to create image processing profile.

the renditions image should not be going to be larger than the original image.