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Publisher crashes down when we run performance test


Level 4

Hi Everyone,

We have one author instance , a load balancer , 2 dispatchers ans 2 publishers. Our code is perfectly fine AEM 6.0 but when we upgraded to AEM 6.2, we could see some performance issues.

Whenever  we run performance test, the publish 2 instance crashes due to heavy load. We could search related queries in logs. That is available in publish 2 not in publish1.None of the search request is going to publish 1. We have disabled link checker configuration and thread dumps are also clean.

What could be the possiblity of having such issues? Please let me know.


Your help is greatly appreciated.



6 Replies


Level 10

have you configured indexing for those queries?


Level 10

I agree with Praveen - this could be an INDEX issue. Have you created an OAK Index?  See - Oak Queries and Indexing


Level 10

If you have followed the performance docs here:

Performance tuning tips | 6.x

and indexed AEM with OAK INDEXES (one of the points here), then maybe a hotfix is required.

We recommend opening a support ticket so AEM Support Engs can investigate.


Level 10

This is an upgraded version. You may need a hotfix that addresses performance. I recommend checking with Support.


Level 4

Thanks smacdonald2008. Will check with Support team.