So confused with this issue...
Running AEM 6.5.2 with Components 2.9.0 and Java 1.8.0. We were originally using a newer version of components, but had to downgrade them and the Java version from 11 to 8 and, things were seemingly working perfectly fine, but the Accordion won't work in publisher with this showing in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'container').
We did have a cq error before that, but I added <sly data-sly-call="${clientlib.js @ categories='cq.widgets'}"/> to the customheaderlibs.html to make sure it was grabbing those.
On top of that, the Carousel won't work either anymore on any install, which wasn't an issue until we downgraded and added the 6.5.2 service pack, but we are getting no error for that component at all. It's as if the buttons are all just dead. I find it hard to switch between any of the components I add as well to slide through, so it may be a clientlib issue?
Just not sure what to do since I see no error messages appearing. Anyone have any idea what could be the cause of either? They are both just the usual proxies that are created with a new project and we haven't done any editing to these. I'm also not the most versed in AEM, so I don't really know what exactly is the best way to start to identify these issues.