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org.apache.sling.servlets.get.impl.DefaultGetServlet No renderer for extension html issue realted to cq:LiveSyncConfig


Level 1

I see the below error when trying to access a home page of a live copy.

org.apache.sling.servlets.get.impl.DefaultGetServlet No renderer for extension html, cannot render resource JcrNodeResource, type=cq:LiveCopy, superType=null, path=/content/XXXXX/en/gb/jcr:content/cq:LiveSyncConfig

Observations: I don't find this in the author or publisher, but only see that error when trying to access the dispatcher/public url

I see all the properties which are required are there on cq:LiveSyncConfig node, so not sure what was the exact issue.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

That's a problem of the parent resource, which wants to render all nodes below /content/XXX/gb/jcr:content, and it does not know that a cq:LiveSyncConfig node cannot be rendered.


A probably easy way to avoid this message would be to provide a /apps/cq/LiveSyncConfig/LiveSyncConfig.html node (nodetype nt:file) with no content. But honestly I have not seen this message that often, and in that case it should definitely be part of the product.

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5 Replies


Community Advisor


I think it should be a issue with edit templates. Make sure tha rep:policy nodes under /conf/xxxx match those for we retail. Their is an ACL needed for templates , template types and policies


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor

That's a problem of the parent resource, which wants to render all nodes below /content/XXX/gb/jcr:content, and it does not know that a cq:LiveSyncConfig node cannot be rendered.


A probably easy way to avoid this message would be to provide a /apps/cq/LiveSyncConfig/LiveSyncConfig.html node (nodetype nt:file) with no content. But honestly I have not seen this message that often, and in that case it should definitely be part of the product.


Level 1

@Jörg_Hoh , Thank you for your answer. But while I am adding the node(LiveSyncConfig.html) to the node cq:LiveSyncConfig getting below error. Can you please confirm me If I am doing correct or wrong.




Employee Advisor

I am sorry, I cannot help here. If you want to manually create/fix MSM, you are a bit on your own. I know it's possible but never did it myself.


Level 1

This has been fixed by adding empty component like this.
