I have a multifield component in rtouch UI and its values are getting saved in JCR:content as a node property in the form of string[]. Now I am retrieving the array inside javascript use(function(){}) and iterating over the object using data-sly-list. Below is my code:
var linkObj =[{"title":"SAS App","path":"/content/sassi-blueprint/en/products/sas-app"},
{"title":"Charter Information","path":"/content/sassi-blueprint/en/products/charter-information"},
{"title":"Welcome to Global Internet Support","path":"/content/sassi-blueprint/en/digital-channels/welcome-to-global-internet-support"},
{"title":"Manual reservation","path":"/content/sassi-blueprint/en/digital-channels/manual-reservation"}
linkObj: linkObj
<ul data-sly-list="${info.linkObj}" >
<li class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12">
The output for this is
title, path
title, path
title, path
title, path
Instead of the values it prints the properties. Is there something wrong with the linkObj? Can it be done through JS or do we need to achieve this through java?