I am working on migrating some bundles from AEM 6.2 to 6.4 and I ran into the following issue:
I have an Activator.java in a bundle with the following code:
public synchronized void start(final BundleContext bc) throws Exception {
myBundleContext= bc
private ServiceTracker<HttpService, HttpService> tracker = new ServiceTracker<HttpService, HttpService>(myBundleContext, HttpService.class, null) {
public HttpService addingService(ServiceReference<HttpService> sRef) {
ServiceReference<HttpContext> httpSRef = bundleContext.getServiceReference(HttpContext.class);
HttpContext hc = bundleContext.getService(httpSRef);
//some more code here working with the hc object...
When I start the bundle and run this code in AEM 6.2, I can successfully retrieve the HttpContext.class serviceReference and then get the HttpContext service, but when I run the exact same code in AEM 6.4 I get a null reference when trying to retrieve the HttpContext.class serviceReference.
I am aware that this kind of thing (using an activator and getting the HttpContext serviceReference) are not that common to do. I have already googled the problem for quite a while, read all kind of forums and threads but no luck yet.
I also checked that the service name and class are still the same in 6.2 and 6.4 and also the getServiceReference(Class) method is not deprecated in 6.4
So I'm starting to suspect that for some reason the HttpContext is not available in 6.4 as it was in 6.2. Not sure if it's something that was done intentionally or if it's a bug
Any help on this would be very appreciated!
could you please check if HttpContext service is available at http://localhost:4502/system/console/status-Services ?
I can't see this service in AEM6.3 and AEM6.4
This may help - Apache Felix - Apache Felix HTTP Service
I used Dep Finder on 6.4
Thanks! actually the service is not available in 6.3 and 6.4
No idea why it is not
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I think service is missing or deprecated.
Please Use ServletContextHelper instead of HttpContext
Both have the same purpose.
ServletContextHelper works with AEM6.4
Hi guys
As you mentioned above, the HttpContext service is not available in AEM 6.3 and 6.4
The good news is that what this service did in 6.2 was using the org.apache.sling.auth.core.AuthenticationSupport handleSecurity method, and the AuthenticationSupport service is available in 6.3 and 6.4.
I managed to solve it by creating a custom HttpContext that inside uses the AuthenticationSupport class. I explain it here:
Thank you all for your help with this!
Thanks for posting solution.