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Issue with Dynamic Media - Properties not getting updated


Level 1

Dear All,


We are using dynamic media. When I upload PDF to AEM, it is getting uploaded to dynamic media.

However, all the dynamic media related properies are not getting updated to the PDF asset metadata for example - dam:scene7FileStatus, dam:scene7PublishPending etc.

dam:scene7FileStatus is always UploadStart and thumbnail images shows as processing....


This is happening only for PDF. Images, videos are fine.


We recently installed service pack 6.4.8, however there is no issue on lower environments. Issue exists only on production.

1 Reply


Employee Advisor

Hi Madhu,

Welcome to AEM Community !!
Do you see any specific error (on error.log), when that PDF is ingested on AEM Author Prod environment?

When you check the timeline of that uploaded PDF (on AEM UI), any step or workflow is failing (from DAM Update Asset)?


Vikram Gaur